51.5072° N, 0.1276° W
Ana Labekina

       London-based multidisciplinary creative                    Digital design, art direction, motion               Exploring the intersection of fashion, media and technology               


WebGL Unity, Creative Direction
An ongoing personal project, release set to summer 2024

“A landscape covered in dense silver fog. A night sky without stars. The Twilight Zone, the Upside Down, the wasteland. A beauty without a beholder. A song that never reaches it’s chorus. What is a memory limbo? How do you catch something that is slipping away?“

A WebGL-based project, 'Hold Music in Limbo,' takes the viewer on a retrospective journey through universal yet dimensional childhood memories. Five locations and five objects, heavily linked to nostalgic visuals of 2000s Eastern European landscapes, invite viewers to explore the digital limbo accompanied by a never-ending soundscape and spatial sounds, as well as minimalist UI graphics.

Website prototype

Location previews

Object previews